On April 4, Dana & Sarah Films premiered a new documentary about the Tarahumara running tribe. The film titled GOSHEN: Places of Refuge for the Running People was directed and produced by Dana Richardson and Sarah Zentz. The film shares an eye opening investigation of the Tarahumara people’s unique diet, ultra-running endurance, and natural running with minimal footwear. The Tarahumara Tribe of Mexico’s Copper Canyons was famous worldwide for their ability to run long distances. They are also known for the low risk of health diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes - which is due to their plant based diet and active lifestyle. READ MORE: http://www.runsociety.com/2015/04/25/goshen-a-new-documentary-about-the-tarahumara-ultra-running-tribe/
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July 2016
Filming SITEFilming location in the Copper Canyons, Mexico.